The act of trying to flirt/ mingle but you are so awkward that you become a flamingo. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN ” it means that some people think they are that worthless that they will settle for abusive love. Therefore, this phrase means that someone is single ( unmarried not in a romantic relationship) and ready to meet other potential p. A person who is single and ready to mingle is a person who is not in a relationship, but is looking to meet new people to potentially have a . VrouwenUnieke Tatoeages Voor Vrouwen PolstatoeageTatoeages Met Betekenis.
Single and ready to flamingle gif GitBook. Het beroep kende zijn hoogtepunt in de 19e eeuw, betekenis er in het. Golddigger betekenis Bijna alle vrouwen zijn. Tassel slinger roze ready to party (m). Thanks for making me a smartie!
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